Page name: Lifted: The Film [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-18 06:12:40
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Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:

Part Six:

Part Seven:

Part Eight:

Part Nine:

Part Ten:

Part Eleven:

Part Twelve:

Part Thirteen:

Part Fourteen:


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2010-04-07 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: It looks so great I want to watch it Now!!!! ... it makes me curious about the wolf thing though 0_o and that we don't really truly know how everyone goes... but you do.

2010-04-08 [Rhymes With Orange]: Muahahahahaha. I actually had Alyssa plan out how she wanted it to go, and she came up with a pretty good idea. And it didn't have to involve live wolves, so it's all good :P

2010-04-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: What is this type of film called again?

2010-04-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: It's just a full-length feature. No specific types :) But I wanted to start this one first cuz the other film I have to do is a short stop-motion one and Lifted is the first thing I'm shooting with this camera, so we'll see how this next project goes :/

2010-07-11 [Erubeus]: I hope there are bloopers involving Patrick~
It would amuse me.

2010-07-11 [Rhymes With Orange]: Oh yes. He makes up a good chunk of them :P

2010-07-12 [Erubeus]: Oh dear god I can't wait.

2010-07-12 [Rhymes With Orange]: They're pretty epic, I must say XD

2010-08-02 [Rhymes With Orange]: Ah it's almost done it's almost done it's almost done :D :D :D

2010-08-03 [Erubeus]: =O

2010-08-05 [Rhymes With Orange]: Myay the official movie's about halfway done as of 5 minutes ago :D

2010-08-17 [Rhymes With Orange]: Tis finished guys! :D I'll put it up later tonight when I'm not in the middle of moving :P

2010-08-18 [Erubeus]: Grr. Part 5 is skippy. >:'(

2010-08-18 [Rhymes With Orange]: Daaaaaaaaangittt. My internet is so crappy right now too. I thought I'd be done like 2 hours ago and I'm still going :(

2010-08-18 [Erubeus]: XD Man, the internet sux today.

2010-08-18 [Rhymes With Orange]: True dat :/

2010-08-18 [Rhymes With Orange]: Well team, it's all up now :D I'll get bloopers up in a sec, but the whole film is done now.

2010-08-18 [Erubeus]: You guys are so not professional. XDDD Making faces in the background. <3
Bloopers for the win!

2010-08-19 [XxTsomexX]: I already LOVE Elli XD <3

2010-08-19 [Rhymes With Orange]: Bahahhaha I love the bloopers so effing much XD Tsome, how far are you in the movie?

2010-08-19 [XxTsomexX]: I just barely got to watch it XD lol

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